Oftentimes, dental pathology, like medical problems, can go unnoticed as they don't "alert" a person until things have gotten very bad. In medicine, chronic high blood pressure can result in a stroke. In dentistry, a small asymptomatic cavity can grow to result in very painful pulpitis (the dreaded toothache) and the need for a root canal or worse. It is... read more »
Mental Health Issues Are Common If you or someone you love struggles with mental illness, you are one of many who struggle with this burden. In the U.S. alone mental illness and disorders are higher than ever and are the leading cause of illness and disability. In fact, about 1 in every 4 adults have a mental condition in the... read more »
Brushing your teeth is the MOST effective preventative action you can take in maintaining oral health. This being said, there are still mistakes that can be made while brushing that harm your teeth and gums more than help them. In today's blog, we share the most common tooth brushing mistakes. It is important to know that brushing your teeth twice... read more »
Your smile can help you do many things, like talk, eat, bite, laugh, and speak. However, that’s only the case if you take good care of it. Therefore, you need to make sure to avoid the damaging oral hygiene tools in the world today. A dental scaler is one of the only tools that can completely, safely, and effectively remove... read more »
Why Veneers? Before we jump into the cost of veneers, let's first understand what they are. Dental veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells that are attached to the front, sides and top surface of teeth to improve their appearance and shape. They're often made from porcelain, glass-ceramic or resin-composite materials and are permanently bonded to your teeth. Veneers can be used... read more »
Have you ever wondered when and where toothbrushes were invented? Toothbrushes have an interesting history that goes back thousands of years. Dr. Spear and our team are happy to share some fun toothbrush facts with you. the Egyptians and Babylonians used a twig with a frayed end to clean their teeth beginning around 3500 BC. In Ancient China (around 1600... read more »
What was once considered a great smile has, in modern times, been pushed further back into the pack. Even if you have spectacular oral hygiene and brush and floss as directed, you can still find yourself with a smile that lacks the dazzle of modern smiles. Teeth whitening treatments have raised the bar, but dental veneers have changed the game.... read more »
A child who learns great dental health habits becomes an adult with great dental health habits. To this end, the American Dental Association sponsors “National Children’s Dental Health Month” every February, in hopes of raising awareness among children (and their parents) about the importance of maintaining good oral health. But how can a family incorporate National Children’s Dental Health Month... read more »
Your new crown represents a serious investment in restoring the appearance and function of a tooth that was severely fractured, or suffered extensive tooth decay. Even though the material your new crown is made from not subject to tooth decay, it will still need attention in your daily oral hygiene routine. Residual food particles and bacteria in your mouth can... read more »